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Welcome to Heart of Toys, the ultimate guide for action figures and collectible toys. Whether you’re an avid collector or a Pop culture enthusiast, you’re in the right place! From Japanese robots to vintage figures and dolls, here you will find everything you need to enjoy your collection at the fullest.

We are expert collectors and, like you, we love searching for the rarest and most exclusive toys. From vintage pieces to limited editions, we are always eager to discover new items we can add to our collection and we love to share these findings with our readers. That’s why we cover a wide range of topics, from the latest designer releases to reviews of the rarities that make every collector’s heart skip a beat. 

Collecting toys is not just a hobby for us. It is a passion that can bring together people from different backgrounds. This inspires us to build an inclusive and welcoming community where we can share experiences and opinions. Because toys are the legacy of the society we live in, and we want to experience them as moments of growth and sharing.

Moreover, we provide valuable tips on how to best take care of your toys and collectibles, to keep it in perfect condition. We know how delicate our beloved collectibles are and we are here to help you with that.

Finally, we enjoy toy photography, giving free rein to our creativity. The images we create are available in our Gift Shop, along with other deals and gadgets.

Thank you for visiting our blog about action figures and collectible toys. We hope our articles inspire you to awaken the child within you, fostering a passion for play.

Enjoy your reading!


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